Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Some More to Check Off

Along with the theme of checking things off the SF List - I went to the De Young museum on Tuesday to see the Yves Saint Laurent and the Andy Warhol exhibit. I've been talking about seeing the YSL exhibit since it opened in November - it only took me 5 months to get there. Andy Warhol opened last month.

The Andy Warhol's exhibit was huge. It was a comprehensive collection of his artwork including album covers, silk screen prints, films and photography. Personally, I liked being able to see the progression of his artwork through out the years and how he intertwined art and music as one. A few of my fav's:

The YSL exhibit was a bit smaller but just as amazing. It included run-way designs from the 60's to today. It was really interesting to see the designs of the past and how much fashion trends rotate through the years. Granted most run-way fashion isn't made for everyday wear, so its pretty much a given if some of the designs were completely out there..Totally original, yes...elaborate designs, yes...appropriate for real life..not so much. I can also say that the jewelry was amazing!

Wedding Dresses!

Love this poster...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Checking things off the San Francisco List

I'm usually a little late to see all the movies nominated for the all the award shows, so this year is no different. I saw The Reader, with Kate Winslet (which she deserved to win) the day the Academy Awards aired, and just saw Milk yesterday. Sean Penn was absolutely amazing and I'm not usually a Sean Penn fan. We saw it at Kabuki Theater which is part of Sundance Cinemas. Along with new movies, Independent films are shown all year long. They have an over 21 cinema where they serve drinks and food that you can have during the movie...I'll have to go back to enjoy it!

I finally ate at Pizzeria Delfina - They have a restaurant in the Mission and just opened one a few blocks from my Apartment. It's been hard finding a pizzeria that can really compare to NY pizza - I've had a few here that comes close. I wouldn't quite say this NY pizza, but it was unbelievable. I'm a big crust fan and the crust here was a perfect mix of crunchy on the outside and soft and fluffy on the inside. Who ever comes to visit is going to have to take a trip there!
Another thing I've been dying to do is get ice cream from Bi-Rite Creamery in the Mission...I love going to home-made icecream places and this is one of the best. They only had about 10 flavors but each of them were so good. I tried Salted Carmel, Lemon Pistachio and ended up getting a scoop of Malted w/ Vanilla peanut brittle and chocolate and a scoop of Cinamon carmel. I would have tried every flavor but they gave you taste testers with real spoons and was kinda embarrassed to keep putting the dirty spoons in the empty cup!

Thank goodness I'm walking the Lion Street Steps tomorrow!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Luck of the Irish (or non-Irish)

I just booked a last minute trip back home for St. Patty's Day. I'm absolutely so excited! Even though I'm not Irish I blend in perfectly. I was supposed to fly home last year for it and ended up canceling my trip a few days before because of horrible rain storms. Nothings stopping me this year! Although, I did look at - 50% chance of snow. Just my luck!

Can't wait to see everyone!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

As you can tell, I haven't been all that on top of keeping up with this blog. In case anyone cares, its still raining here. Thankfully, we are supposed to get sun this weekend. Well at least according to, but they are known to be perpetual liars. My ever so handy rain boots will have to go back into the closet :(

Class is going pretty well - It seems like we just have test after test (I have another one this Thursday and Friday). We are starting to look at cadavers on Thursday - Ill let you know if I survive!